Bin Laden to follow
Spartacus footsteps?
Fact Report

Osama Bin Laden appears to be trying to transform himself from terrorist to political leader, say some Middle Eastern experts who have based their conclusions on the recent video messages attributed to the Al Qaeda leader.

But at least one of those experts questions whether Bin Laden has anything to offer his followers beyond a call to arms, saying he does not have solutions to the economic and social issues facing young Muslims. Abdel Rahim Ali, an Egyptian expert who studies Islamic movements, said many Islamic fundamentalist or radical groups turned into political movements after their violent campaigns lost steam. For example, Egypt’s Islamic Group denounced terrorism and revised its holy war strategy after its attempt to topple Egypt’s regime by force was met with a fierce crackdown.

“This is only natural for any radical movement. First they start as militant and secretive and then they try to get credibility from the public before they turn into a political movement,” said Ali, author of “Alliance of Terror: Al Qaeda Organisation”. Ali said the cease-fire that Bin Laden offered the Europeans in April in exchange for their withdrawal from Iraq was a political message that differed markedly from his usual uncompromising posture. Also, in a video aired on the satellite station Al-Jazeera days before the November presidential election in the United States, Bin Laden made an unusual overture to the American people, telling them they could avoid another Sept 11 attack if they chose leaders who did not threaten Muslims.

“Even Spartacus turned his revolt into a political movement,” Ali said. “So why not Bin Laden?”

Ali said Bin Laden might want to transform Al Qaeda into an organisation with both military and political wings, mirroring paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland or the Palestinian movement.

In Bin Laden’s latest message released Dec 16, his first directed specifically at Saudis in years, he advised his followers to attack the kingdom’s oil installations to weaken both the West and the Saudi royal family. That led to speculation Al Qaeda intended to adopt the tactics of insurgents, not terrorists.

While some analysts say Al Qaeda has been forced to change course because it has been weakened and possibly shattered by a US crackdown, others believe that any shifting by Bin Laden is only temporary and tactical. “His goal is to build an Islamic state and his means will remain holy war,” said Saudi writer Mshari al-Thaydi, who has been monitoring Islamic radical groups for years. “He does not know any other means to make his point.”

Al-Thaydi said both Bin Laden and his top lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahri, who addressed such issues as human rights and corruption in recent messages, abhor political means and only trust power. He noted that al-Zawahri, in his book “The Bitter Harvest,” harshly criticised the Muslim Brotherhood, the biggest Islamic movement, for resorting to social and political programmes to advance its quest for power. Al-Thaydi said Bin Laden’s focus on Saudi Arabia in the recent message attributed to him showed that he intended to step up Al Qaeda’s terrorist activities in his homeland with the ultimate goal of toppling the monarchy and assuming power. “Osama thinks if he takes over Saudi Arabia he can topple all other Islamic regimes,” al-Thaydi said.

Bin Laden has readjusted in the past “to cope with challenges and circumstances,” said Radwan al Sayed, a respected Lebanese writer on Islamic affairs.

Bin Laden’s main shift came in 1990, when he clashed with Saudi rulers over the kingdom’s decision to allow US-led coalition troops to use its territory to stage the war to liberate Kuwait from Saddam, said al Sayed, whose works include “Struggle For Islam”. “That made him believe that Islam’s enemies are not only outside, but also inside,” al Sayed said.


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